Elected by General Conference members, the Board of Directors serves as leaders, organizers, and representers for the Church of God General Conference. These men and women help keep the conference strong and are crucial to helping it continue to flourish.

Dennis Sharp
With wife Sherry
Dennis currently lives in Simpsonville, SC and attends Guthrie Grove Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith. He was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana, moved to South Carolina in 2017 and has been a member of the Church of God for over 50 years. During this time, he had the privilege to serve as elder (at Hope Chapel/Timberland) for over 20 years, taught Sunday School for both youth and adults, led pastoral search efforts, provided oversight of church finances, and filled the pulpit when needed. He and his wife Sherry have two children, Adam (Allison) Sharp and Valerie (Dustin) Smith, and four grandchildren.

Vice Chair
J. J. Fletcher
J.J. is a 2009 graduate of Atlanta Bible College. He grew up attending Happywoods Church of God in Hammond, LA and has been a part of Pine Grove Bible Church in Brooklyn Park, MN for the past 13 years with a brief time away working with the Knightstown, IN church plant in 2010. He became an elder at Pine Grove in 2016 and then became the interim pastor in 2017. J.J. was licensed as a pastor in 2018 when he took the position of lead pastor at Pine Grove Bible Church. J.J. has been married to Hope (Kirkpatrick) for 13 years and they have 4 children aged 7 months to 8 years old.

Bethany Ligon
With husband Daryl
Bethany has been a member of the Lakeshore Bible Church of God, in Tempe, Arizona, since her childhood. She has served as a Sunday School teacher and church board member. She is currently one of the directors for FUEL, the COG’s summer high school and young adult premier event. Bethany holds a B.S. in Physical Science and an M.Ed in Secondary Education. She has a 25+ year career as an educator in one of the local school districts. She and her husband Daryl have been married for 10 years.

Shane Martin
With wife Laura & Children

Jon Welch
Jon has been a pastor in the Church of God for almost 35 years, and he is a 1985 graduate of Oregon Bible College (now Atlanta Bible College). After his pastoral internship in Fonthill, Ontario, Canada, he served as pastor of the Fort Valley, VA Church of God in Christ Jesus from 1986-1998. He moved to Missouri in 1998 and served three churches in the 21 years he was there: Church of the Open Bible in Farmington, MO (1998-2004), Church of God, Abrahamic Faith of Fredericktown, MO (2000-2008), and New Beginnings Church of God (2008-2016). In 2016, Jon and his wife, Rene’, moved to Virginia and served the Grace Fellowship Church of God in Front Royal, VA. They now reside in Michigan.

Talon Paul
With wife Rebecca
Talon Paul grew up at the East Oregon Chapel Church of God (IL) and graduated from Atlanta Bible College in 2017. He has been pastoring at the Maple Grove Community Church in Kokomo, IN since graduating. He has also had the opportunity to minister at the Eden Valley Church of God (MN) and the Timberland Bible Church (IN) through internships. He and his wife Rebbecca (Massie) have one son, Elijah, and have been married for 6 years.

Joe Myers
With wife Dana
Working in tandem with the Board of Directors, our COGGC staff is the backbone to our success.

Seth Ross

David Krogh

Michael Cisler

Denise Cramer

Robin Taylor
Board Members along with Seth Ross, Denise Cramer, and David Krogh can be simultaneously contacted by Email at:
This year’s General Conference will be hosted via livestream due to the COVID-19 virus. Watch on the home page of our website.