In 1955, the Board of Directors instructed the General Manager, James Watkins,to take steps “to preserve Church of God General Conference historical documents before they are lost or destroyed.” (Restitution Herald February 15, 1955). A small closet was dedicated to house these historical materials in the facilities of the college/conference in Oregon, IL.

When the headquarters of the Church of General Conference was moved to McDonough, GA., a climate-controlled room for the Archives was created in the headquarters building. Today the archives contains a world-class collection of pre/post-Millerite 1800 to 1900 Adventist materials.

Once the board created the archives, Sister Grace Marsh gifted all the material collected by her husband G. Eldred Marsh (who had served as pastor for 50 years; as editor of the Restitution Herald 1931-38, and as General Conference historian until he died in Nov. 1954).

Over the years, the Archives has added to its collection: books written by Church of God authors and others who shared our beliefs, along with tracts, magazines, papers presented at Ministers Conferences, Christian Workers Seminars, and Theological Conferences.

The archives contain bound volumes of the Restitution Herald, Progress Journal, Mission Newsletters, Church and Conference Histories, Berean Youth Magazines, OBC Maranatha, and much more historical material.


Several Church of God pastors have left their sermon collections to the archives. Many pictures have also been donated from Church of God events, including youth conferences and OBC/ABC activities.

In 2020 a Digital Archive Ministry was started to scan the archive material and make them available as resources to current and future generations who want to know the truths about God, His Son Jesus, and the gospel hope believers in God are called to share. Since that time, over 650 pieces of content have been scanned and saved as searchable pdf files.

All of the Restitution Heralds and Progress Journals since 1911 have been scanned and are posted to the website, along with over 300 books, periodicals, pamphlets and other archived material.

These and many other writings were influential in shaping the biblical understanding of our movement, and the establishing of Church of God churches and conferences, long before the General Conference was organized in 1921.

Additional material will be made available in the coming months. It is our hope that each person who accesses these resources will find them instructional and inspirational, as well as beneficial for their spiritual growth and formation of faith in God, His Son, and His promises of life in the Age to Come.

Biographical Encyclopedia: Chronicling the History of the Church of God Abrahamic Faith 19th & 20th Centuries

by J. Turner Stilson.

If you would like to purchase a copy of the Biographical Encyclopedia, please write to

The  Archives Digital Library – Books

This collection of books contains authors who considered themselves part of the Church of God, those who pre-date the formation of the Church of God General Conference, and others who held to similar doctrinal positions but were not formally aligned with the Church of God.    (Downloadable in PDF format)

The  Archives Digital Library – Periodicals

This is a collection of various periodicals that represent early Church of God history and the proclamation of Biblical truths. (Downloadable in PDF format) While not every volume is currently available, we are working to add to this list.

Advent Shield

J. V. Himes
Volume 1


Joseph H. Chamberlin, Editor

Volume 1 (1854-1885)

The American Millenarian Prophetic Review

. P. Labaugh, Editor
New York, NY
Volume VII (1843-44)

The Christadelphian Lamp

Edward Turney

Volume 1 (1874)

Christian Palladium

Joseph Marsh, Editor
Union Mills, NY
Volume VIII (1839-1840)
Volume X ( 1841-1842)
Volume XIV (1845-1846)

The Expositor & Advocate

Joseph Marsh, Editor
Rochester, NY

Volume 28 (1857)
Volume 29 (1858)

Herald of Coming Kingdom &
Christian Instructor

Thomas Wilson & George Moyer,
Editors, Chicago, IL
Volume I (1868)
Volume II (1869)
Volume III (1870)

Herald of Kingdom &
Age to Come

John Thomas, Editor
New York, NY
Volume I (1851)
Volume III (1853)
Volume IV (1854
Volume VII (1857)
Volume VIII (1858)
Volume XI (1861)

Honest Truth

Terry Ferrell
Volume 1 No 1 – 11
Volume 1 No 12 – 21

The Millenarian

Edinburgh, Scotland
Volume I (1874)

The Millenial Harbinger

Thomas Newman,
H.V. Reed, editors
Seneca Falls, NY
Volume 34 Number 12 (1863) black & white
Volume 34 Number 12 (1863) original
Volume 35 (1863)

Present Truth

W.L. Crowe, Editor

Volume 1-3 (1899-1901)

The Restitution

Volume 66 (1914)
Volume 67 (1915)

Volume 68 (1916)
Volume 69 (1917)
Volume 70 (1918
Volume 72 (1920)
Volume 73 (1921)
Volume 74 (1922)
Volume 75 (1923)
Volume 76 (1924)

Voice of Truth & Glad Tidings of the Kingdom at Hand

Joseph Marsh, Editor
Rochester, NY
Volume I-III
Jan 1844 – Oct 1844
Volume II-IX
May 1844 – Dec 1845
Volume X-XIV
Apr 1846 – Jun 1847

Word and Work

W. L. Gibbs
Volume 6
Volume 8-16

Words of Truth

Samuel Wilson
Volumes 1-9

The  Archives Digital Library – Pamphlets – Church of God

The  Archives Digital Library – Pamphlets – Pre Church of God